Hospitals in BC (0)
Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Culverts (70)
| Down Drain |
| Entrance |
| Flume |
| Horizontal |
| Roadway |
| Other |
| Unknown |
Civic Facilities (69)
| Arena |
| Community Hall |
| Curling Rink |
| Museum |
| Pool |
| Recreation Centre |
Walk-in Clinics in BC (68)
Early Childhood Care (Francophone) (67)
Child Care Map Data (63)
| A child care provider that has a vacancy in one or more age categories |
| Unknown vacancy |
| A child care provider |
BC Public Libraries Systems - Branches and Locations (62)
Food Banks (61)
Correctional Facilities (60)
Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Railroad Crossing (59)
Diagnostic Facilities (58)
BC Schools - K-12 with Francophone Indicators (56)
British Columbia Major Timber Processing Facilities (55)
| Chip |
| Log Home |
| Lumber |
| Oriented Strand Board and Siding |
| Panel |
| Pellet |
| Pole, Post and Utility Pole |
| Pulp and Paper |
| Shake and Shingle |
| Veneer, Plywood, and Laminated Veneer Lumber |
Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Sign (53)
Service BC Office Locations (51)
Court Locations (50)
Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Drainage Appliance (49)
| CB Double Grate |
| Catch Basins |
| Debris Torrent Structure |
| Dry Well |
| Engineered Wetland |
| Manholes |
| Manhole and Catch Basin |
| Settlement Pond |
| Other |
Ferry Terminals (47)
Airborne Imagery Historical Index Map Points (46)
| Historical Index Map Points |
HelloBC Activities and Attractions Listing (45)
| Activities |
| Golf Courses |
| Skiing and Snowboarding |
| Transportation |
Local Government Offices (43)
WorkBC Centres (former) (42)
Tourism Sites (Francophone) (41)
Pharmacies in BC (40)
Sites Registry (39)
| BC Airports |
| BC Climate Stations |
| BC First Responders |
| BC Ports and Terminals |
| Child Care Providers in BC |
| Employment service office locations |
| Francophone - Childhood care |
| Francophone - Health professionals |
| Francophone - Service Directory |
| Francophone - Tourism |
| HelloBC Accomodations Listing |
| HelloBC Activities and Attractions Listing |
| HelloBC Festivals and Events Listing |
| HelloBC Visitor Centres Listing |
| Hospitals |
| Provincial courts of law |
| Public, private and non-BC degree-granting post-secondary institutions |
| Schools (K-12) |
Locations of B.C. Post-Secondary Institutions (37)
Service Directory (Francophone) (36)
Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Safety Feature (35)
| Barrels |
| Sand Barrel Crash |
| Sliding |
| Styrofoam Block |
| Other |
| Unknown |
Airphoto Centroids (34)
Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Highway Reference Points (HRP) (33)
First Responders (32)
Laboratory Services in BC (28)
Health Professionals (Francophone) (27)
Ski Resorts (26)
Urgent and Primary Care Centres (25)
BC Ports and Terminals (23)
Sites Registry (Open Government Licence) (22)
| BC Airports |
| BC First Responders |
| BC Ports and Terminals |
| Employment service office locations |
| HelloBC Accomodations Listing |
| HelloBC Activities and Attractions Listing |
| HelloBC Festivals and Events Listing |
| Hospitals |
| Provincial courts of law |
| Public, private and non-BC degree-granting post-secondary institutions |
| Schools (K-12) |
Orthophoto Tile Points (21)
| Orthophoto Tile Points |
BC Indigenous Business Listings (20)
| Indigenous Business Location |
HelloBC Accommodations Listing (18)
HelloBC Visitor Centres Listing (17)
Emergency Rooms in BC (12)
Mental Health and Substance Use Health Services (11)
BC Airports (9)
Immunization Services in BC (5)
StrongStart BC Centre Locations (4)
Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Rest Area (3)
| RAM Class A |
| RAM Class B |
| RAM Class C |
Golf Courses (2)
BC Research Centres (1)
| Research Centre Location |
Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Guardrail (71)
| 460mm NP |
| 690mm NP Old Style |
| 690mm NP New Style |
| 760mm NP |
| 810mm NP |
| Cable Barrier |
| Standard W-Beam |
| Sub-Standard W-Beam |
| Other |
Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Special Lane (66)
| Acceleration Lane |
| Bus Bay |
| Deceleration Lane |
| HOV or Bus Lane |
| Ramp |
| Turn Slots |
| Two Way Left Turn Lanes |
| Other |
| Unknown |
Airphoto Flightlines (65)
Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Surface Type (64)
| Cleared |
| Cold Mix |
| Concrete |
| Dirt |
| Gravel |
| Hot Mix |
| Other |
| Surface Treated |
| Uncleared |
Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Storm Sewer (57)
| Box |
| Concrete |
| Galvanized |
| Galvanized Perforated Pipe |
| Multiplate |
| Other |
| Plastic |
| Plastic Perforated Pipe |
| Unknown |
| Wood |
Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Retaining Wall (54)
| Guardrail |
| Bin Wall |
| Poured Concrete |
| Gabian Cage |
| Lock Block |
| Log Stringer |
| Other |
| Unknown |
Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Highway Profile (52)
| 0 Lanes |
| 1 Lanes |
| 2 Lanes |
| 3 Lanes |
| 4 Lanes |
| 5 Lanes |
| 6 Lanes |
| 7 Lanes |
| 8 Lanes |
| 9 Lanes |
| 10 Lanes |
Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Road Features Inventory (RFI) (31)
| Highway (O) |
| Easement (E) |
| Notional (N) |
| Pedestrian Notional (P) |
Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Road Structures (19)
| SIGN |
Disaster Response Routes (16)
| Critical Regional Route |
| Municipal DRR and Critical RR |
| Municipal Disaster Response Route |
| Provincial DRR and Critical RR |
| Provincial Disaster Response Route |
Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Linear Safety Feature (14)
| Arrestor Bed (AB) |
| Glare Screen (GS) |
| Rumble Strip (RS) |
| Runaway Lane (RL) |
| Undefined (UD) |
Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Highway Maintenance Class (7)
| 1 -> AST >10,000 |
| 2 -> ADT 5,000 TO 10,000 |
| 3 -> ADT 1,000 TO 5,000 |
| 4 -> ADT 500 TO 1,000 |
| 5 -> ADT 100 TO 500 |
| 6 -> ADT 10 TO 100 |
| 7 -> ADT 0 TO 10 |
| 8 -> No Summer Maintenance |
Ministry of Transportation (MOT) Landmark Kilometre Inventory (LKI) (6)
Orthophoto Coverage (44)
| Orthophoto Coverage |
Orthophoto Tile Polygons (30)
| Orthophoto Tile Polygons |
BC Network Connectivity (29)
| No reported dwellings |
| 0 |
| 0.1 - 20.9 |
| 21 - 40.9 |
| 41 - 60.9 |
| 61 - 80.9 |
| 81 - 100 |
Airborne Imagery Historical Index Map Polygons (10)
| Historical Index Map Polygons |
Water Survey of Canada Sub-Sub-Drainage Areas (8)
| Water Survey of Canada Sub-Sub-Drainage Area |