| Alsek Ranges |
| Babine Upland |
| Big Bend Trench |
| Bowron Valley |
| Bulkley Basin |
| Bulkley Ranges |
| Cariboo Basin |
| Cariboo Mountains |
| Cariboo Plateau |
| Cassiar Ranges |
| Central Boundary Ranges |
| Central Chilcotin Ranges |
| Central Columbia Mountains |
| Central Pacific Ranges |
| Central Park Ranges |
| Chilcotin Plateau |
| Clear Hills |
| Continental Slope |
| Cranberry Upland |
| Crown of the Continent |
| Dixon Entrance |
| East Kootenay Trench |
| Eastern Muskwa Ranges |
| Eastern Pacific Ranges |
| Eastern Purcell Mountains |
| Eastern Skeena Mountains |
| Elk Valley |
| Etsho Plateau |
| Flathead Valley |
| Fort Nelson Lowland |
| Fraser Lowland |
| Fraser River Basin |
| Front Ranges |
| Finlay River Trench |
| Georgia Lowland |
| Guichon Upland |
| Halfway Plateau |
| Hart Foothills |
| Hecate Lowland |
| Hecate Strait |
| Hozameen Range |
| Hyland Plateau |
| Johnstone Strait |
| Juan de Fuca Strait |
| Kechika Mountains |
| Kechika River Trench |
| Kimsquit Mountains |
| Kiskatinaw Plateau |
| Kitimat Ranges |
| Kluane Ranges |
| Leeward Island Mountains |
| Leeward Pacific Ranges |
| Liard Plain |
| Manson Plateau |
| Maxhamish Upland |
| McGillivray Range |
| McGregor Plateau |
| Meziadin Mountains |
| Misinchinka Ranges |
| Muskwa Foothills |
| Muskwa Upland |
| Nahwitti Lowland |
| Nanaimo Lowland |
| Nass Basin |
| Nass Mountains |
| Nazko Upland |
| Nechako Lowland |
| Nechako Upland |
| Nicola Basin |
| North Coast Fjords |
| Northern Boundary Ranges |
| Northern Hart Ranges |
| Northern Island Mountains |
| Northern Kootenay Mountains |
| Northern Okanagan Basin |
| Northern Okanagan Highland |
| Northern Omineca Mountains |
| Northern Pacific Ranges |
| Northern Park Ranges |
| Northern Skeena Mountains |
| Northern Shuswap Highland |
| Northern Thompson Upland |
| Northwestern Cascade Ranges |
| Okanagan Range |
| Outer Fjordland |
| Parsnip Trench |
| Pavilion Ranges |
| Peace Foothills |
| Peace Lowland |
| Petitot Plain |
| Queen Charlotte Lowland |
| Queen Charlotte Ranges |
| Queen Charlotte Sound |
| Queen Charlotte Strait |
| Quesnel Highland |
| Quesnel Lowland |
| Rabbit Plateau |
| Selkirk Foothills |
| Shuswap Basin |
| Shuswap River Highland |
| Sikanni Chief Upland |
| Simpson Upland |
| Skidegate Plateau |
| Southern Boreal Plateau |
| Southern Boundary Ranges |
| Southern Chilcotin Ranges |
| Southern Columbia Mountains |
| Southern Gulf Islands |
| Southern Hart Ranges |
| Southern Okanogan Basin |
| Southern Okanogan Highland |
| Southern Omineca Mountains |
| Southern Pacific Ranges |
| Southern Park Ranges |
| Southern Purcell Mountains |
| Southern Skeena Mountains |
| Stikine Highland |
| Stikine Plateau |
| Strait of Georgia |
| Sub-Arctic Pacific |
| Tagish Highland |
| Tahltan Highland |
| Tatshenshini Basin |
| Teslin Basin |
| Teslin Plateau |
| Thompson Basin |
| Tranquille Upland |
| Transitional Pacific |
| Trout Lake Plain |
| Tuya Range |
| Upper Columbia Valley |
| Upper Fraser Trench |
| Vancouver Island Shelf |
| Western Chilcotin Ranges |
| Western Chilcotin Upland |
| Whitehorse Upland |
| Windward Island Mountains |
| Western Muskwa Ranges |
| Western Okanagan Upland |